Detox serves as the first step in addiction recovery, and it is essential to yield lasting sobriety results. The most productive method of detox for alcohol and drugs is inpatient detox treatment, because it allows for 24/7 supervision of patients. This enables medical professionals and detox experts to be able to administer medications and treatments as needed, even throughout the night – promoting the comfort and overall success of lasting detoxification.

Common Detox Experiences

During the detox process, patients are likely to experience a range of withdrawal symptoms that can range from minor discomfort to significant pain. Depending on how long an individual has been using and the volume they have been consuming, their withdrawal journey can last anywhere from seven days to several weeks. Whether you are detoxing from one substance or multiple, an inpatient detox treatment is the safest way to start your addiction recovery. Withdrawal from alcohol and drugs can rapidly become life threatening, and medical detox not only allows patients to feel more comfortable, but also allows them to detox with the peace of mind that their health is not being jeopardized. 

What Happens in Inpatient Detox Treatment?

Upon arrival, you will be met with your care team and they will assess your current condition, identifying all substances you will be detoxing from – it is imperative that you are open and honest with the doctors and staff members who are there to help you. The more honest you are, the better they can aid you in your addiction recovery journey. Withholding information – such as only communicating select substances you have been using – could have devastating results. To get the best treatment, you must be prepared to communicate clearly and openly.

The medical detox process is the first step in your recovery treatment, and sets the tone for the rest of your journey. The goal of detox specifically, is to initially stop substance abuse and to control and reduce the urge for cravings and relapse. Once you have successfully gone through the detox process, your care team will help you determine the best steps for your individual needs.

Exiting Inpatient Detox Treatment 

Once you have been cleared as “complete” with your inpatient detox treatment, you will begin to explore the next steps in your addiction recovery journey. Your doctors and treatment team will evaluate your current status and consider your goals and needs. From there, they will determine whether or not you should remain inpatient, or if you should move to intensive outpatient treatment or a partial hospitalization program. It’s important to remember that everyone’s addiction recovery journey looks different, and you should not be comparing yourself to others.

Reach Out Before it Becomes an Emergency

Addiction can be hard to get out of, whether it’s yourself or a loved one, but no one should have to suffer forever. It’s crucial that those who are abusing alcohol and/or drugs get the help they need as soon as possible. The longer an individual uses, the harder the detox and recovery process becomes – but it’s never impossible. No matter what stage of addiction you or your loved one is in, it’s never too late to reach out and heal. With inpatient medical detox, such as Solution Based Treatment’s programs, the power is put back into your hands to take control of your life – for the long run. 

About Solution Based Treatment

Solution Based Treatment is a national leader in detox and rehab programs. We offer inpatient medical detox, substance rehab, intensive outpatient programs, partial hospitalization programs, faith-based recovery, and sober living options. We maintain a 2:1 client to staff ratio to offer the best support possible to our patients within upscale living environments. At Solution Based Treatment, we support better living for brighter futures, all starting with our detox and rehab services. For more information visit our website at or give us a call at (833) 999-1941.

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