Addiction is a huge problem in today’s world. According to The World Health Organization (WHO), some 31 million people struggle with substance use disorders. They also report that about 3.3 million people die from harmful alcohol use each year. In the United States alone, drug abuse and addiction cost more than $740 billion a year. Addiction affects workplace productivity and leads to lost jobs. Hospitals provide increased care to people admitted for substance abuse and overdoses. Drug-related offenses lead to a backlog of criminal cases and mass incarceration. In many ways, addiction affects every aspect of our society. That’s why we’re dedicated to creating a solution.

Here at Solution Based Treatment & Detox, we believe that treatment is only the beginning. As we help individuals empower themselves and reach their highest potential, we hope our clients will become productive members of society and, in turn, improve the world. Our inpatient treatment program is one of the many ways we help our clients get on this road to recovery.

What Is Inpatient Drug Rehab?

As the name suggests, inpatient means you’ll receive treatment “in” the facility. So, if you’re enrolled in this kind of treatment program, you’ll reside in or near the treatment center that’s helping you overcome your addiction. During the time you live onsite, you’ll rid your body of drugs and alcohol via detox, receive treatment in the form of counseling and therapy, and begin to rehabilitate your life. You’ll also receive clinical support from our licensed and certified staff.

There are many reasons why you might choose an inpatient rehab program. Some of the most common include:

  • Outpatient rehab hasn’t worked
  • You have a difficult living situation which makes outpatient treatment impossible
  • You are struggling with a severe alcohol or drug addiction
  • You are abusing multiple substances at a time
  • You need around-the-clock supervision

Our specific program is located in a quiet, comfortable, and relaxed region of Southern California. Treatment with Solution Based is comprehensive and customized to meet your needs. Our therapeutic techniques include:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Motivational interviewing
  • Group therapy
  • Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT)
  • Family therapy

Our program usually lasts for 5 weeks but the duration ultimately depends on your progress. While inpatient rehab is a big commitment, taking the leap comes with a long list of benefits.

The Benefits of Inpatient Rehab

Here are a few of the many benefits of inpatient addiction treatment:

#1. Structured Environment

One immediate benefit of inpatient rehab is the structure it provides. The compulsive nature of addiction works against any kind of discipline. Inpatient rehab helps to rebuild order in an individual’s life by establishing a daily routine, which is very important for early recovery.

After the toll that addiction has taken on their lives, people that are newly sober tend to welcome the comfort of a daily routine with open arms. It’s comforting and reliable. Having a routine also helps relieve insomnia and boredom, both of which are common relapse triggers. Other benefits of a structured environment include:

  • Experiencing less stress and anxiety
  • Creating healthy habits
  • Learning accountability
  • Establishing community and fellowship

A structured environment also protects addicts from returning to substance abuse. Unlike outpatient programs, inpatient treatment offers clients very little free time. Most inpatient programs have daily schedules that include mealtime, daily therapy, treatment, medication, and activities. With full days, there’s not much time to focus on addiction. This reduces the risk of relapse and helps curtail cravings.

#2. Around-the-Clock Support

Inpatient addiction treatment provides professional and clinical support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Like structure, support is crucial during the early stages of addiction recovery. For people with severe addiction, the risk for relapse is greatest right after detox. At this time, the body, mind, and brain are all temporarily out of balance. Withdrawal can be an unpleasant and uncomfortable experience that puts stress on the body and the psyche.

This is where inpatient treatment’s around-the-clock support shines. No matter how challenging the withdrawal process, medical professionals are there to provide support. This 24/7 care allows our inpatient treatment clients to feel safe and secure. But inpatient support doesn’t end with the detox process. Staff remains available every single day until the program ends.

#3. No Access to Drugs and Alcohol

For many people, the most difficult aspect of addiction recovery is saying no to substances they have relied upon in the past. That’s what makes addiction a chronic disease, as cravings and desires can persist for a long time. Inpatient treatment makes it easy to say no to drugs and alcohol simply because they aren’t available. During residential treatment, you live and breathe recovery. Substances and most outside visitors aren’t allowed.

Although this temporarily limits access to the outside world, clients also have no ability to reach drugs and alcohol, which encourages recovery.

#4. Prevents Unhealthy Influences

It’s convenient to blame substance abuse problems on addictive drugs and alcohol. But unhealthy outside influences can trigger addiction, too. Many of these are familiar but dangerous habits that can feel comforting at first. These can include difficult family relationships, friends who use substances, social media, and certain environments, all of which can negatively affect our recovery process. It doesn’t take long for these unhealthy influences to trigger drug cravings and encourage relapse.

Luckily, inpatient rehab limits these troubling influences. Most residential rehab programs restrict phone calls and Internet use and closely monitor visitors. This helps to prevent unhealthy influences from subverting the recovery process. At the same time, clients learn how to withstand and avoid common addictive triggers, such as the people, places, and emotions that were previously associated with their substance use. While not an easy path, this training helps clients realize areas they need to change when they re-enter into their everyday lives.

#5. Dedicated Time to Focus on Yourself

Addiction recovery is a process that takes time, patience, and intentional focus. Inpatient rehab is a perfect opportunity to focus on yourself. With a safe environment to open up, clients are able to unearth some painful realities, face the truth, and heal. Often, addiction is a symptom of deep pain and trauma. As a result, most treatment centers offer individual and group therapy. Inpatient rehab goes a step further, eliminating everyday distractions and stress. In many ways, inpatient rehab is like a built-in buffer between the world and the person in recovery. You’re able to leave bills, arguments with spouses, family tension, work stress, parenting woes, and everyday worries behind as you take some time to heal yourself rather than using drugs and alcohol to self-medicate.

As such, inpatient recovery is an ideal time to evaluate your emotional and psychological health.

Some questions to consider during treatment include:

  • What emotions make me want to drink alcohol or use drugs?
  • Why do/did I drink and/or use drugs?
  • What past pain continues to haunt me?
  • What people, situations, or events cause me to feel sad or depressed?
  • Before addiction, what activities did I enjoy that brought me joy?
  • Who do I need to forgive? Who do I need to ask forgiveness from?
  • What do I wish I’d spent more/less time doing?

Outpatient therapy includes therapy. But inpatient treatment also provides uninterrupted time to deal with substance abuse problems. Treatment also addresses the emotional and psychological pain that can lead to addiction.

#6. A Chance to Focus on Your Overall Physical Health

Inpatient treatment also provides uninterrupted time to work on physical fitness. Often, people living with substance abuse problems don’t realize the toll their addiction takes on their physical body. However, going back and forth between treatment and everyday life can make adhering to a physical fitness plan difficult. The vast majority of inpatient treatment programs, on the other hand, include exercise and physical fitness as part of their daily routine. Inpatient addiction treatment programs also focus on nutrition, as well. Inpatient treatment programs tend to focus on clients’ overall physical, emotional, and mental health through a comprehensive inpatient curriculum.

Here at Solution Based Treatment and Detox, we know how important nutrition and exercise are to addiction recovery. Every one of our residential homes has a full-time certified chef who makes three nutritious meals a day. We also prioritize physical fitness.

#7. Healthy, Like-Minded Friendships

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has identified 8 dimensions of wellness:

  • physical
  • emotional
  • intellectual
  • occupational
  • social
  • financial
  • spiritual
  • environmental

Inpatient addiction treatment strengthens all aspects of these areas, with a particular focus on social wellness. Often, addiction is a lonely and isolating disease, preventing social wellness. Addictive behaviors rip families apart and destroy relationships. But living with people who are also working towards recovery helps to restore social wellness. As clients in inpatient addiction treatment live, eat, receive treatment, and change their lives together, they also form healthy friendships. These friendships provide accountability and support, increasing the chances of long-term recovery.

#8. Opportunity to Build New Habits

In many ways, inpatient addiction treatment is like a restart button. There are no distractions, no excuses, and no dangerous influences to hinder growth. There is, however, an amazing chance to build new habits. Scientists believe it takes about 21 days to break a habit. Most inpatient treatments last for at least one month to three months in duration. As a result, clients have the time and resources they need to form new, healthier habits. Don’t let a chance like this go to waste.

Some good habits to develop during inpatient rehab include:

  • Regular sleep
  • Healthy eating
  • Exercise and physical fitness
  • Mindfulness and meditation
  • Stress management

Residential Treatment Can Change Your Life

Inpatient addiction treatment is an opportunity to change your life. Treatment requires discipline, dedication, intentional focus, and time. But for those ready to get on the road to recovery, inpatient rehab is a great opportunity to take a break from everyday life and focus on your own wellbeing. Rehab limits distractions and unhealthy influences while addressing your physical and emotional health. On top of that, inpatient treatment provides you with the structure and support you need. But most importantly, rehab helps you form healthy, lifelong friends and build habits that can help you maintain long-term sobriety.

If you or a loved one are living with addiction, don’t wait or hope that circumstances will suddenly get better. Addiction is a chronic disease that requires treatment. Our expert staff members are ready, willing, and available to help you get on the path to recovery. Call us today at 833.999.1941. We are available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

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We Know From Experience

We have helped thousands of people recover using a solutions-based approach of empowerment and knowledge.

Friendly Environment

We pride ourselves on creating a warm, relaxed recovery environment where our clients can show their true selves.

On-Site Medical Detox

Medical detox is a critical first step in recovery, which is why we provide supervised medical detox in-house.

Personalized Treatment

Every client benefits from a fully personalized treatment and plan of care, helping them recover and reach their unique goals.

Get The Help You Need

Speak to an addictions counselor now: 833.999.1941