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Opioid Detox at Solution Based Treatment
Since 1999, the rise of opioid overdoses and deaths has gone up dramatically. The need for high quality opioid detox programs is increasing. Sadly, there simply aren’t enough opioid detox programs in the United States to meet our needs. Solution Based Treatment offers inpatient opioid detox in upscale residential settings. Many opioid detox programs are based in hospital settings with a large number of patients. Understandably, many people suffering from opioid withdrawals do not feel comfortable in a hospital setting.
Our Opioid Detox Program
The opioid detox program at solution Based Treatment is always personalized for each patient. We understand some need help with prescription opioids, synthetic opioids like fentanyl, heroin or a combination of 2 or more opioids. In our opioid detox program, our medical staff prescribes FDA approved taper and comfort medications to reduce withdrawal symptoms as much as possible. In our inpatient opioid detox residential locations, there’s a maximum of 6 patients per house. Our patients don’t feel crowded, overwhelmed or feel like they are in a cold, hospital-like environment.
- We Accept over 100 Insurance Providers
- 2:1 Staff to Client Ratio
- FDA Approved Comfort Medications
- Non-Hospital Setting
- FDA Approved Comfort Medications
- Medical and Clinical Staff In-House
- Complete Our 30, 45 or 60 Day Rehab After Detox
- Transition to Our Intensive Outpatient Program

What Our Opioid Detox Program Offers You
In our Opioid detox program, we offer an expert-level Treatment Team. Our Treatment Team consists of medical, clinical and counseling staff with over 100 years of collective experience. Same-day admissions are also possible in many circumstances. If you’d like more information about admission to the opioid detox program, call us at (833) 999-1941. Our admission staff are some of the best in the industry. The will walk you or your loved one through every step of admission from an initial assessment all the way to what to bring to treatment.
Initial Assessment
Telephonic Clinical Assessment
Medical Assessment Upon Arrival
FDA Approved Taper Medications
GeneSight Testing
Lodging & Catered Meals Included
Simple Transition to Our 30, 45 or 60 Day Opioid Rehab Program
Finish Treatment in Our Intensive Outpatient Program
F.A.Q.'s About Opioid Detox
Opioid Detox is a complicated course of care. Our Treatment Team takes into account the length of use, frequency and amount of use of each type of opioid and/or other drugs. In addition, they take in to account medical and clinical assessments of each patient. This id done to create a personalized opioid detox treatment plan. Still, many of our client’s or their loved ones have additional questions. Here’s three of the most frequently asked questions and their answers.
Our opioid detox program is typically 7-10 days. However, the timeline is based on the recommendation of the Treatment Team.
Please make sure to brin your drivers license or state identification card as well as your insurance card. As well, bring 7 days of clothes and comfortable shoes. Make sure you let us know the names and phone numbers of all those that you’d like to be able to communicate with while in treatment. If you take any prescription medications, please bring them in their original containers only.
Please do not bring any illegal substances of abuse, benzodiazepines or alcohol. Knives and weapons of any kind are not allowed as are laptops and tablets.
Yes. Solution Based Treatment offers a 30, 45 or 60 day Opioid Rehab program depending on your needs. We also offer an Intensive Outpatient program once you’re finished with your inpatient opioid rehab program.
Understanding the Need for Opioid Detox
According to the National Vital Statistics System Mortality File, there have been 3 waves in the opioid epidemic. The first begins in 1999 with the rise of prescription opioids. After that, when prescription opioids were more difficult to obtain and heroin gave people a less expensive option, heroin overdoses and deaths were on a massive rise. Since 2013, deaths related from synthetic opioids like fentanyl have caused a massive spike in overdoses and deaths. As a class of drugs of abuse, opioids may be the most dangerous in America.