The first days of rehab can be daunting. For many, it’s the first time in years that they will do something new without the assistance of drugs or alcohol. Not only are clients thrust into an entirely new environment, but they are also meeting new people for the first time in years. Clients have to face a lot of fears and relive memories of themselves at the height of addiction. At Solution Based Treatment & Detox, we understand the challenges you’ll be facing when you enter rehab, and we’re here to help you every step of the way.

During intake, the treatment team may carry out extensive assessments that include a medical examination, a psychological assessment, and a psychosocial assessment. In addition to information on your personal drug use history, family history of addiction, and even financial arrangements for treatment, these assessments will help determine how the program and your treatment can be best tailored to you and your needs. The goal is to develop a personalized treatment plan based on an assessment of your medical, emotional, and social functioning before entering one of the following addiction treatment programs:

  • Alcoholism
  • Meth abuse
  • Cocaine abuse

Contact is made with the client’s family, so they know that they have arrived safely. Then phones are put away, so the focus is on their recovery, not being glued to their devices. This communication blackout period is an important part of the recovery as many clients are detoxing during this period and use this time to recover from withdrawal and get settled in their new environment. The intake process is paramount to creating a well-rounded treatment plan for each client. Clients must share the truth with their treatment team, knowing that whatever they say is completely confidential.

Addiction Rehab Assessments

During the first 24 hours at a treatment center, clients will complete different assessments. These assessments are absolutely critical in order to get necessary background information on the client. They cover everything from a history of drug and alcohol usage to what the client’s current family or social relationships look like in order to create the clearest picture of who a client is, what motivates them, and which treatment options will fit their needs.

  • Bio-psych social assessment: Clients are asked a series of questions to determine the physiological, biological, and social factors contributing to their addiction and what brought them to treatment.
  • Nursing assessment: The nurse that greeted the client upon arrival will gather information about the client’s physiological, psychological, sociological, and spiritual status.
  • History & and physical: Past medical and mental history is gathered to create a solid understanding of the client’s medical needs. A nurse performs a physical exam to assess how the client’s health is currently.

The treatment team will also give a brief tour of the facility, and afterward, a lot of clients choose to relax in their room unless they need immediate medical care. We realize that your trip to get to us could be filled with physical distance and lots of anxiety, so rest and relaxation after intake are understandable and encouraged. 

SBT Is Here to Help You on Your Recovery Journey

Addiction is a disease of isolation, so when our clients arrive, speaking to so many new people at intake can be distressing. So, while certain steps must occur in the first few days of rehab, a client’s first day should also be filled with a lot of rest. Leaving everything and everyone you know behind to go to an entirely foreign place is scary for anyone. For someone who has decided to seek out addiction rehab, the fear can be even greater. At SBT, we want to ease your fear and anxiety about making this decision and show you how to live life again, safe and sober. Contact our treatment team today at 833.999.1941 to take the first step.

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