Binge drinking is dangerous for multiple reasons. It causes immediate risks of overdose, damages organs and tissues, and can lead to complex mental health disorders. Engaging in this activity, even once, can impact your health, with long-term binge drinking a high risk for the development of addiction. Solution Based Treatment offers help for those who are engaging in alcohol abuse.

What Is Binge Drinking?

Binge drinking is the consumption of a large amount of alcohol in a short amount of time. This is often recognized as five or more drinks within a two-hour timeframe for men and four or more drinks within two hours for women. Consuming this much alcohol, whether at a party or a bar, creates a risk of significant health risk, including alcohol poisoning, a life-threatening condition. 

What Happens to the Body When Binge Drinking?

Consuming a large amount of alcohol overpowers the body’s ability to remove the substance fast enough. The kidneys cannot filter the alcohol from the blood. This allows it to travel to the brain, where it creates the intoxication effect. This happens with a higher amount of alcohol present, leading to a prolonged period of alcohol in the bloodstream. This can create changes including motor control changes, cognition changes, and a lack of response time. 

The health hazards of binge drinking start here. That includes engaging in unprotected sex, car accident risks, involvement with law enforcement, and physical altercations creates many of the initial risks to health. The risk of suicide is also much higher during this period. 

Binge Drinking Immediate Health Risks

In a single instance of binge drinking, health complications can begin. This may include:

  • Inflammation to the stomach and pancreas
  • Damage to the brain, including cognition damage 
  • Damage to the kidneys
  • Seizures 
  • Vomiting and confusion
  • Loss of consciousness 

Alcohol poisoning is also a risk factor. This occurs when the body is overwhelmed by the amount of alcohol in the system and begins to shut down. The drop in breathing rate creates a risk that the brain is not getting the oxygen it needs. Heart rate can also slow to a dangerous level. A person may pass out and become unresponsive. Over a few minutes, this can lead to sudden death if not treated immediately. Calling 911 is critical.

Binge Drinking Long-Term Health Risks

Health risks continue to worsen over time as a person continues to engage in binge drinking. This can lead to the development of alcohol use disorder, which often leads to kidney, liver, and heart damage. Some people also continue to consume larger amounts of alcohol or mix it with drugs. This can create amplified health risks to the organs. It also leads to damage to the brain. 

In children and teens who binge drink, the risks of developmental delays and permanent damage to brain function are high. There is also a higher chance that they will develop addictive behaviors with other substances later in life.

See the Signs of Alcohol Abuse? Get Help

The physical and mental health risks of binge drinking are numerous but treatable in most people. Treatment needs to be as soon as possible. This may help to reduce long-term health complications, including overdose as well as organ failure. Our treatment programs can help, including:

  • Residential treatment programs
  • Intensive outpatient programs
  • Partial hospitalization program
  • Alcohol detox programs
  • Dual diagnosis treatment

Invest in Help Today – Call Solution Based Treatment Now

There are many risks to binge drinking, including the development of addiction. You can control that now. Learn how Solution Based Treatment provides mental health and alcohol abuse treatment in a safe, modern program. Call 833.999.1941 or connect with us online for immediate support. 

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